scar camouflage tattooing

By Montana Inez

Scar camouflage refers to the art of concealing scars through a process of specialised restorative tattooing.
This innovative technique involves skilfully blending carefully matched pigment with your natural skin tones, effectively concealing a range of skin imperfections such as scars, burns, stretch marks, and various forms of skin discolouration and depigmentation.

Intricately tailored to each individual's needs, scar camouflage is a completely personalised procedure.
Every case presents a unique canvas, demanding a bespoke approach to ensure the seamless integration of the tattooed areas with the surrounding skin.

The meticulous artistry behind scar camouflage lies in the fusion of artistic talent and medical precision. The depth of experience and expertise required to execute scar camouflage makes it not just a cosmetic procedure, but a transformative journey towards renewed self-confidence.

(click to enlarge images)
👇 more information below 👇

good-to-know info;

  • Proper healing of a scar is essential prior to considering a restorative tattoo, this can sometimes take a few years (case dependant). Generally speaking, the older the scar, the better.

  • A minimum of 2 x sessions (spaced a minimum of 8 weeks apart) are required before a restorative tattoo is to be considered completed to ensure great results are achieved.

  • This type of tattoo is permanent. Some factors like UV exposure and exfoliation may lighten the tattoo intensity over time, as well as tattoos naturally ageing with the skin they live in. Touch ups can be easily accommodated if needed in years to come, though should not be required if proper care is taken by the wearer.

  • Scar camouflage tattoos will never tan like the skin around them, so if your complexion/skin tone darkens or changes your scar camouflage may appear lighter.


Pricing for scar camouflage is available by consultation only, as each case is completely unique.
To book an appointment or make an enquiry, please send us an email with your details and some photos of the areas in question to >>

tattoo care

before your tattoo session

  • Avoid alcohol and blood thinners 24 hours prior to your session and caffeine for 12 hours prior.

  • Avoid fake tan in the area of the tattoo.

healing and caring for your new tattoo;

Please note: specialised aftercare balm will be provided to you in and hard copy information at each session.

During the healing period (14 days):

  • Keep healing and tattooed skin away from UV rays/tanning beds/LED light therapy for 12 weeks. Not doing so can cause hyperpigmentation and must be taken seriously.

  • Avoid touching, scratching, picking and rubbing the tattooed area - always !

  • Use only the provided aftercare balm to hydrate the skin (applied with a cotton tip or clean fingers)

  • Avoid submerging the tattooed area under water (eg pools, hot tubs, hot baths) for ideally 4 weeks

  • Avoid high intensity activities that will cause excessive sweating or friction in this area until fully healed

  • Refrain from applying lotion/perfume/fake tan to or around the tattooed area for 14 days

During the 10-14 day healing period, it is strongly advised to allow your body proper time to rest and heal.
High intensity exercise like F45 classes, running or jogging, basically anything that causes friction, sweating and bouncing is not advised to resume until your tattoo is healed (2 weeks).
These tattoos are permanent, the healing is temporary. The better you heal them, the better they look - forever.
Long walks, yoga, light weights and low intensity pilates are great to stay active during this time.

 ready to take the next step?