eyeliner tattooing
By jess nichols
Eyeliner tattooing delivers a delicately applied, custom designed enhancement to the lash line, to create the appearance of fuller eyelashes and a more defined eye.
This type of tattoo is great for those who may have naturally light eyelashes and for those who enjoy the look of eyeliner and/or mascara. Results can vary from an extra subtle lash enhancement to a bolder wing depending on your personal preference, all tattoos are customised to the individual client.
A lash enhancement creates the illusion of having fuller lashes. This works great for those that have naturally light or sparse lashes. Using a tattoo machine we delicately implant pigment through your lash line, often done with black or brown pigments.
Made for those that love eyeliner but don’t want the stress of drawing it in everyday! We take the hard work out of it for you so you have perfectly balanced winged liner. Using a machine we customize shape/thickness and implant pigment under the skin.
A subtle addition of definition to the lower lash line. This tattoo is meticulously and oh-so carefully placed along the line of the bottom eyelashes. The water line of the eye (the wet section) is not tattooed as part this option (or apart of any option) for health and safety of the eye, rather this tattoo is placed right below the water line.

good to know
Maintenance will vary depending on skin type and long-term care. Most clients will need a refresher/colour boost session after 18-24 months to keep colour bold and fresh, after the initial (two) sessions are completed.
Two initial sessions are required to consider your Eyeliner *finished/completed*. Cosmetic tattoos use a two-step process and the general approach of “we can add, but we cannot take away” when it comes to working on such delicate features on faces. Touch up sessions are beneficial for layering the pigment for more saturation. We can also tweak the colour if needed in the session! Touch ups must be completed within 3 months from the original session for best results.
It is super helpful to come to your appointment with no mascara or other eye makeup - but a visual reference of your desired eyeliner outcome. This can be by having your liner pre-drawn in, or a photo of the desired results.
We cannot go ahead with the procedure if you have eyelash extensions on or recently had your lashes tinted.
eyeliner tattoo pricing
before + aftercare instructions
Eyeliner tattoo pre-care
Ensure eyelash extensions and tints are to be stopped or removed one week prior to your appointment.
Do not wear contact lenses the day of your appointment.
No mascara to be worn the day of or during the healing of eyeliner.
Refrain from consuming any caffeine in the 4 hours prior to your appointment. Caffeine post tattoo is fine!
Refrain from consuming alcohol 24 hours before getting tattooed.
Refrain from tanning/microdermabrasion/laser treatment/chemical peels 7-10 days before your appointment, and 4 weeks after.
Refrain from medication that causes blood thinning, including but not limited to: Aspirin, Advil, Aleve, Niacin, Fish Oil, Vitamin E, and Ibuprofen. Please consult your doctor before stopping any medication.
Eyeliner tattoo after-care
DAYS 1 & 2:
Clean the area using a cotton pad dampened with water 3-4 of times a day to remove any lymph or build up on the healing skin. PATTING MOTIONS ONLY - NO RUBBING!
Use fresh pillow cases and towels while healing to avoid any bacteria from previous uses touching your tattoo.
DAYS 3 – 10: Don’t get the area wet. Don’t apply any product onto the treated area until all scabs/flakes have naturally peeled off on their own. NO PICKING.
Depending on skin type, aftercare cream may be included as part of the aftercare. If so apply as instructed in thin amounts.
Things to avoid:
When washing your face avoid using harsh products or anything with granules in it during the healing process.
Avoid using your body towel on your tattoo as it carries bacteria.
Do not wear mascara or makeup on or near the tattooed area for 7 days to avoid infection.
After 7 days, please use a brand new tube of mascara and clean makeup/brushes to avoid irritation/infectionAvoid eyelash extensions or tinting services until you are fully healed, usually 2 weeks post tattoo.
Avoid facials, saunas/steam rooms, tanning beds and spray tans for 7 days.
Wear glasses and avoid contact lenses for 5 days. Fresh contact lenses are recommended after healing is complete.
ready to make an appointment?
Contact Jess directly to make an appointment via email > ziggycosmetictattoo@gmail.com