
✷ bookings with Montana Inez

Now open for late Febuary - April
Returning visitors are always prioritised
Bookings are available via email & online

  • Restorative tattoo bookings: can only be made via email

Our booking system automatically shows the first available appointments.
If there are no available dates, this means Montana’s schedule is fully booked and more appointments will become available soon.
To join Montana’s WAITLING/CANCELLATION list, please send us an email.

Thank you so much for your ongoing patience & support, it is so appreciated.
Stay in touch via instagram for last minute cancellations & updates > @ineztattoo

✷ bookings with Jess Nichols
( aka Ziggy Cosmetic Tattoo )

Appointments with Jess can be made via email or by booking online

Stay in touch with Jess via instagram for updates
> @ziggycosmetictattoo